Are you walking through a tough situation now where you are struggling to find your faith and maybe causing you to lose hope?
Maybe you have concluded that God is not hearing or listening to your prayers?
Well today your going to meet a strong woman who kept believing in God’s promise, even when her circumstances tried to make her believe otherwise, and it’s because of her strong Heritage of faith I can stand on mine!
Please welcome to this segment of Contagious Courage – My Mom Susie Ings
My mother’s story of courage is evident through her whole life and ministry, as she found the courage to keep trusting God in spite of what it looked like, she states: “As our daughter struggled to find her way, I confess so many times I did not know what to do. I prayed desperately to God for Him to give me answers for her. I quickly realized I had to turn her over to Him because He was the only one who could grip her heart. My prayer became, “God, make yourself real to Vahen, show her how much you love her, because You know what she needs.” Every time I would get overwhelmed with fear, I would cling to God, and He would always faithfully give me what I needed.”
One night while my mom was praying through some fears about my situation, she picked up this book by Peggy Kennedy, A is for Apple. She was in the chapter D is For Desert with the theme verse: “Who is this coming up from the desert, leaning on her lover?” (Song of Songs 8:5 NIV c. 1984) The Lord showed her this was me. That I was coming up out of the desert and would cling to Him. And, even though ALL signs pointed in the opposite direction, God confirmed He was with me and would raise her up to soar with Him.
Who is this one? She arises out of her desert, clinging to her beloved.
Song of Solomon 8:5 TPT
To say that my life has been blessed by a heritage of faith is an understatement, and it gives me great pleasure to let you see the behind the scenes of that heritage as you hear from my mom.
My mom said that, “My passion and desire have always been to walk with hurting women and help them thrive in their God-given purpose. Little did I know I would be walking with my own daughter through her journey of pain, helping her grow into a powerful woman of God leading others to do the same.”
“We need to spend time with the Lord and find the strength for ourselves, before we can be equipped to help others. A scripture that helps me in tough times is,
“Greater is He that is in me, than He that is in the world.” 1 John 4:4
Because it is only with Christ in us can we truly be equipped to walk with the hurting, and sometimes all that is needed is a word of encouragement, a smile or a hug.” – Susie Ings
I am so thankful for my heritage of faith, and I want you to hear my shout of praise echo with my mother’s voice as we both thank the Lord that I not only came out of that desert, but I am thriving in my God-given purpose.
And when looking closer at the woman in Songs of Solomon, I discovered it was a woman who always desired intimacy with Christ. Listen to what the commentary said, “She doubted “not” but only desired that “when” tough times came that she should be supported by his power and kept from fainting in the hardest services and sufferings.”
As you reflect on your own life and struggles, I want to ask you this;
- Are you or someone you love walking through a tough situation that is shaking your faith, and maybe causing you to lose hope?
- Do you feel that God is not hearing or listening to your prayers?
I want to encourage you take time to express your heart to God, because He does hear your prayers, and cares deeply, and neither time nor your periods of questioning can eliminate the faithfulness of His promises. And I pray over you, that “when” tough times come that you be supported by God’s power and cling to a heritage of faith.
Faithful Now - Vertical Worship
If you’re looking for resources on how to start living more courageously, I have a few resources listed down below to help you! Starting with my book Contagious Courage – Living in Freedom, that you can find on Amazon and visit Going Farther to see all the available FREE Contagious Courage courses!
This audio/video book, is read by the author, and if you’re ready, please download the workbook, (Workbook only available with the video book option) grab your favorite beverage, journal and get comfortable, because Vahen will walk with you and help prepare you for your giant slaying life of courage.
FOR your 50% DISCOUNT use the promo code ContagiousCourage (Case sensitive with no spaces) in the audio book link above.
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Thank you for supporting me and the Going Farther mission. Now to Him who is able to do WAY MORE than we could ever HOPE or imagine, take care and God bless!