How many of you woke up today and looked in your mirror and said…
What about since this COVID19 pandemic? Have you said I am brave?
Now let me ask you this…How many times this past week have you told yourself YOU CAN’T?
Maybe you’re saying, Vahen I DO NOT FEEL COURAGEOUS! I feel weak and if they ONLY knew how much I was struggling to keep going…
The attached video is the message I posted live on my social media this past Sunday, and I pray it will encourage you.
Let me ask you this. Have you had to go out and get your own groceries since this pandemic?
A few months ago who would have thought that going to the grocery store would be considered courageous!
Can I ask you to send me a message and tell me what courageous thing you did this week, even when you told yourself I CAN’T?
I think of the story of David and Goliath, I Samuel 17. Did you know that before David slayed Goliath, this giant came out and taunted the people for 40 days? Goliath would come out and say who will fight me? But the Israelite’s would stay paralyzed by fear and remain defeated. While a WHOLE army said, I CAN’T, David said I CAN! But not in he’s own strength and power but in God’s.
Are you feeling paralyzed today by the circumstance that we’re in right now? Are you walking around defeated?
I don’t have this all figured out, and trust me I still fear, but I have not let my fear control me.
You in the front lines, you in the “essential services” industry. You who go out to get supplies for your family or those who can’t. To you who are struggling at home wondering how you’re going to keep sanity or peace in your home, or in your OWN mind.
You might be afraid – but You ARE DOING IT ANYWAY! In spite of overwhelming fear and opposition. THAT’S COURAGE!
Yes we are facing a BIG giant but an even BIGGER VICTORY is awaiting you even TODAY. If you choose to access God’s strength, to give you peace as the giant of fear and intimidation is breathing down your neck, don’t you think that’s a pretty BIG victory?
Confidence - Sanctus Real
I want to encourage you to keep stepping out to face your giants. I am also going to challenge you today and in the coming days, that the only I CAN’TS you say to yourself is – I CAN’T QUIT! But more importantly, GOD, I CAN’T Do this without YOU!
- Pray – for me and the Going Farther team as we continue to grow, and spread the message of hope and courage.
- GIVE – If you wish to help me continue spreading the message of hope and courage, please consider a one-time donation or by becoming a monthly supporter.
SHARE – Invite or refer me to speak at an upcoming conference/retreat or community event. Via zoom of course.
If my videos have encouraged you, I’ll also invite you to share with your friends, and help me with spreading the message of hope and courage.
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Thank you for supporting me and the Going Farther mission.
And before I go today, I would like to let you know that I am here for you. If you are feeling overwhelmed and would like someone to pray with you or you just need some additional support, please reach out. I would love to be apart of igniting courage and hope in your hearts during this time of crisis.
Now to Him who is able to do WAY MORE than we could ever HOPE or imagine, take care and God bless you!