Wheel Warriors
Empowering Wheelchair Users to Achieve Fitness and Independence
This is a growing collection of partners, friends and community resources that we can recommend to provide practical resources & support for a variety of needs.
Empowering Wheelchair Users to Achieve Fitness and Independence
Comprehensive Support for Mesothelioma Patients and Their Families
Inclusive Hockey Adaptation for Enhanced Participation
Providing Access for People with Disabilities to Entertainment, Cultural and Recreation
Women’s Comprehensive Addiction Recovery Program
Source for Health, Happiness, and Inspiration in Life with Disabilities
Candid Conversations on Mixed Abilities and Community Camaraderie
Disability-focused Talent and Media Company
Canada’s First Major-Network Primetime Show Featuring Leading Cast with Disabilities
Empowering Lives Through Hope
Photography & video editing:
Eric Hlookoff (Erichlookoff.com)
Additional Photography by:
Lane Jensen (lanejensenphotography.com)
Selah Reflections (www.selahreflections.ca)
Rick Carlson (DesignPics.com)
All rights reserved. Going Farther Org.