Before my son died, I was THAT person.
I found it difficult to know what to say or do when a friend or acquaintance experienced the loss of a loved one. Looking back, I shudder to think about it. Most often, I offered awkward clichés or an ill-timed Bible verse. To avoid saying the wrong thing, I would choose complete avoidance.
Can you relate at all?
My grief journey has provided a significant education at a very dear price. My friends, co-workers and family have taught me the enormous value of compassionate grief companions. My commitment to you is to share my learnings.
Grief can be very isolating. Grieving within a supportive community fosters healing.
Together, you and I are going to transform our culture one heart at a time. We can’t fix the pain, but we can help to carry it! Lofty goal? Perhaps, but worth striving for!
I want you to discover, firsthand, the life-giving ways you can be the hero in someone else’s grief story.
Are you ready to join me?
Send me an email or click the link below to get more information on how we can move forward together.