Allow me to introduce you to my guest blogger today: Mark Heidelberg – with House of Prayer Edmonton

Mark found out about ‘House’s of Prayer’ through a magazine article in 2011, and with a quick google search found House of Prayer Edmonton. Soon after that, he began attending as many prayer sessions as he could, while he continued working as an electrician. Through those prayer times at H.O.P.E Mark said his eyes were opened to the beauty of Jesus, and that He was worthy of receiving worship more than just on a Sunday or in a church setting. Long story short, Mark ended up joining the H.O.P.E staff in the summer of 2014, and now happily gives his days praying for our city, and challenges others to go deeper in relationship with the Lord.
I have been both challenged and inspired by Mark and his commitment to prayer, which is why I chose to feature him today. I wanted you to hear his heart and passion for Jesus, in hopes that you will be challenged and inspired as I have.
It’s not religion but relationship. Sound familiar?
When it comes to relationship with Jesus there is a lot of talk on what that looks like, but somewhere along the way Jesus has gotten a bad name because of religion. So what does relationship with Jesus look like?
Relationship with Jesus, is simply about wanting Him close and inviting Him in your everyday. However, in our busy society how do we even begin to cultivate that relationship?

Mark with his beautiful wife, Dominic.
CLICK HERE to support Mark as an intercessory missionary and designate HR09.
The More I Seek You: Kari Jobe

- Pray – for me and the Going Farther team as we continue to grow, and spread the message of hope and courage.
- GIVE – If you wish to help me continue spreading the message of hope and courage, please consider a one-time donation or by becoming a monthly supporter.
SHARE – Invite or refer me to speak at an upcoming conference/retreat or community event. Via zoom.
If my videos have encouraged you, I’ll also invite you to share with your friends, and help me with spreading the message of hope and courage.
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Linkedin- FACE TO FACE AND AT HIS FEET – (Message me for more information about this prayer group for ladies)
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