
This is a growing collection of partners, friends and community resources that we can recommend to provide practical resources & support for a variety of needs.

Tag: contagious courage


Today you are going to meet a man after God’s own heart, Pastor Jeremey Nippard. He’s the Formission Director with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Newfoundland. and is now speaking out about his own battle with mental health. He’s challenging us ALL to EMBRACE THE NEED, and help take down the biggest giant in our society!


Today you are going to meet a man after God’s own heart, Pastor Jeremey Nippard. He’s the Formission Director with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Newfoundland. and is now speaking out about his own battle with mental health. He’s challenging us ALL to EMBRACE THE NEED, and help take down the biggest giant in our society!

It’s Time To Ask BOLDLY

Do you struggle to keep your joy or peace?
Are all the things that you are seeing and hearing taking you through a valley of depression or anxiety?
Trust me, I know it’s harder now than ever to keep your joy and peace.
That’s why I believe IT’S TIME to ask BOLDLY when you’re speaking with God.

Can You Spare 5 Minutes?

How can we be confident in our faith and relationship with God, if we don’t understand the Bible?
Today you’ll meet Leann Woelk. She is devoted to helping kids and adults alike understand the importance of Biblical principles. As well, how it will deepen your relationship with God so that you CAN walk out your faith in confidence.

Bonus Segment: Contagious Courage INDEED

Welcome to this bonus edition of CONTAGIOUS COURAGE with Sara Kalvin.
Sara is a special friend of mine with a heart for God who loves to serve others and as a result, is inspiring hope and courage not only here in her city, but in other parts of the world. I am so blessed that I get to partner with Sara and have her introduce my next segment of Contagious Courage with Leann Woelk on March 1st.