Thank you for join me today in this “What Do You See When You Look At me?” workshop. I trust you had a had some great take-aways to help you grow better tasting fruit in your life. And before you leave, would you kindly consider taking a moment to tell me your thoughts. Your feedback will be most valuable, as I look to keep improving on this experience for future sessions.

On a scale of 1- 10, how would you rate your workshop experience?

1-3 Needs improvement

4-6 Great content but needs improvement

7-10 Love the content, had a great time, and would recommend it. 

You also might want to consider getting more of my teaching and inspiration on my YouTube channel ( or subscribing to my website ( so you don’t miss out on additional recourses that could benefit you as you go deeper in your relationship with Christ.

Warmest wishes,

Vahen King