Volt Hockey introduces a groundbreaking adaptation to the world of hockey, enabling individuals with complex needs, especially those with limited upper mobility, to actively participate in the sport. Unlike other adaptive hockey variations, such as sledge hockey or wheelchair hockey, Volt offers a unique gameplay experience. This 3 vs 3 indoor game utilizes specially designed battery-operated sport chairs controlled by a joystick. This innovation ensures that individuals with mobility limitations can independently engage in the sport of hockey. Notably, Volt Hockey’s approach aims to provide children and community members, regardless of their physical limitations, the opportunity to experience the joy of playing sports. As the second province in Canada to embrace Volt, Alberta celebrates inclusivity and encourages all community members to join their recreation league, emphasizing that everyone deserves a chance to play sports.
World Changer in Solitude
There always seem to be too few ‘world changers’ out there. The fields are ripe so why are there so few harvesters? The answer is simple. The major battlefield for those who are potential harvesters is in controlling their time. There are many harvesters who are not nearly as effective as they could be. Their natural inclination, and even the expectations of those who send them, is to be involved with people and activities. They thrive on it. But to be effective they need to say ‘no’ to the horizontal dimension and spend copious amounts of time in the vertical relationship with their Father. They need to practice solitude.