Cancer Cannot Destroy Courage
Julie Rohr chose courage to fight each day to stay alive, after she was diagnosed with a rare incurable cancer.
Each month I interview some amazing people with incredible stories of courage. It is my prayer that these stories will empower you to choose courage when you are faced with some “bigger than you” life struggles!
Julie Rohr chose courage to fight each day to stay alive, after she was diagnosed with a rare incurable cancer.
How is your mental health?
We have all fallen short of our own expectations, or the expectations of others. This internal struggle is something that unites us as human beings.
Let’s Break The Chain Of Stigma.
Train up a child in the way they should go, and when they are old they will not depart from it. But what happens when
Have you ever had a diagnosis that completely turned your world upside down? What about a family crisis? With more questions than answers, these situations can leave you struggling to find hope.
After receiving a diagnosed of Multiple Sclerosis, my next guest set out on a journey to find the best treatment to manage his own health, and as a result became a strong advocate for change in the world of treatment for MS patients.
Have you ever had to battle depression, or anxiety?
Or have had to battle the trauma of being emotionally, or physically abused?
Do you know what it is to be treated less just because of the color of your skin?
Whether it’s physical, emotional or spiritual.
These battles are exhausting, and require your ALL!
Do you ever wonder – If where you are, is where your meant to be? Maybe you’ve said, I have passion but no platform? Whether it’s a microphone or a camera my next guest will challenge you to see, that your passion is your platform.
What’s my purpose?
Why do bad things happen to good people?
And if Jesus REALLY existed, why would he allow us to suffer?
Questions! We all have them!
Today on Contagious Courage you’ll meet a man who’s had great personal and professional success, yet was left with a burning question that lead him on a quest for truth.
Have you experienced a mental health crisis in your family?
Maybe you’re struggling with your own mental health, and wish you could re write your story.
Today you’ll meet Connie Jakab, someone who knows what it’s like to experience the agony of a mental health crisis her family. But, she’s here to share about the miracle of her family’s story being rewritten.
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Photography & video editing:
Eric Hlookoff (Erichlookoff.com)
Additional Photography by:
Lane Jensen (lanejensenphotography.com)
Selah Reflections (www.selahreflections.ca)
Rick Carlson (DesignPics.com)
All rights reserved. Going Farther Org.