
This is a growing collection of partners, friends and community resources that we can recommend to provide practical resources & support for a variety of needs.

Category: Vahen King


May is a HUGE month for me. May marks the month I got sick 22 years ago, it’s my 21 year anniversary, my brother’s birthday, Mother’s Day, AND mental health awareness month.

Needless to say, there’s A LOT going on with May, and A LOT I want to touch on and share with you on how you can combat any struggles you’re going through in your life right now.

How to Present Yourself as a Living Sacrifice

“What does it mean to present our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto God which is our reasonable service? I am sure anyone would know that what you put in is what you are going to put out.”

What a powerful challenge today from my dear friend and guest blogger, Cheryl Edwards.

It’s Time To Ask BOLDLY

Do you struggle to keep your joy or peace?
Are all the things that you are seeing and hearing taking you through a valley of depression or anxiety?
Trust me, I know it’s harder now than ever to keep your joy and peace.
That’s why I believe IT’S TIME to ask BOLDLY when you’re speaking with God.

Black History: I CAN

Black History Month is a time in Canada, and across the globe, where we can step back and take the time to appreciate and celebrate the achievements of so many Black Canadians. They’ve not always been treated kindly, and that’s something we need to not only  remember, but take time to stop and listen, so we can be apart of the change. And part of that change is to take time to honour all the contributions that they’ve made to our society. Not only one month of the year, but all year long and the years to come. Because I CAN!

Ice Cream In Your Pocket?

Have you ever carried ice cream in your pocket? Whatever your answer, I wonder, do you think it’s possible? 

I can just imagine the eye rolls and the, “your out of your mind” comments. BUT, if you are the slightest bit intrigued by these questions as I was when I was asked, then stick around or shall I say, watch the following video. I will challenge you to think out side the box and embrace some “ice cream creativity.”

Fear You Don’t Own Me

What has fear stolen from you this season?

In a time where fear and uncertainty is on the rise, we need to find ways to encourage each other now more than ever so HOPE AND COURAGE CAN RISE

Break The Chain of Stigma

How is your mental health?
We have all fallen short of our own expectations, or the expectations of others. This internal struggle is something that unites us as human beings.
Let’s Break The Chain Of Stigma.

I Choose Joy

HOW CAN I HAVE JOY IN THE MIDST OF A PANDEMIC? Or when my life gets turned upside down?

Both physically and spiritually speaking we long to be COMFORTABLE or have an easy life. When God called us to carry our cross “daily,” He knew that was not going to be an easy road. But God didn’t call us to be comfortable he called us to be dangerous.

Faith HOPE & Mental Health

Do you remember some of the conversations we were having before the COVID 19 pandemic?
One topic that was and still very much on the forefront of conversations today, is Mental Health. While we are talking about it more, there is still more that we can do.
Bob states, “It’s not that churches aren’t well intentioned, it’s just they’re not well-informed.”